Option Reference Page

The Option Reference Page: For a more detailed explanation of the rationale regarding how I've categorized the strategies on this page, please visit the Option Strategies Overview page.

Note: These are not grouped by market sentiment or risk-reward attributes since any option trading strategy can be made to be more risky or less risky. Click on a specific option trading strategy link below to visit the page for that strategy.

The Option Trading Strategies

Hedging Strategies
Protective Put
Collar Option
Covered Put

Debit/Debit Spread Strategies
Long Call
Long Put
Option Straddle
Option Strangle
Bull Call Spread
Bear Put Spread

Credit/Credit Spread Strategies
Covered Calls
Naked Puts
Covered Combo
Bull Put Spread
Bear Call Spread
Iron Condor

Investment Strategies
The Essential Leveraged Investing Guide

leveraged investing - stock option investing